Literal question
10 Years Old and Older
[Questions P23-P31 apply to persons 10 years old and over]
P23. Usual Activity/Occupation
___ What was [respondent] 's usual activity/occupation during the past twelve months?
Describe occupation as fully as possible.
Examples: Palay Farmer, Filing Clerk, Fruit Vendor, Student, etc.
If housewife, student, or retiree, skip to P25.
P25. Employment Status
Did [respondent] have a job or business during the past seven days ?
Encircle code
1 Yes
2 No, skip to p29.
Interviewer instructions
P25 Employment Status
The job or business in this item refers to any work or job that a person does for pay, in cash or in kind, in an establishment, office, farm, private home or for profit or without pay on family farm or enterprise.
The question in P25 "Did ____ have a job or business during the past seven days?" aims to gather data on how many of the population have ever worked or engaged in any economic activity for the past seven days. Past seven (7) days refer to the last seven calendar days, prior to the day of visit.
A person is considered as having a job/business if he was engaged in any gainful activity during the past 7 days. Encircle code 1 for a person who was engaged in a gainful activity during the past 7 days. However, for persons who are not engaged in any gainful activities (i.e., housewife, student, etc.) during the past 7 days, encircle code 2 for No and enter a dash (-) from P26 to P28.
Some persons might not have worked at all during the past 7 days but might actually have jobs or businesses which they are temporarily not reporting to, as in the following cases:
-An employee on strike
- A person temporarily laid off due to non-economic reasons like machine breakdown for not more than 30 days
- A person with a new job to begin within 2 weeks from the date of interview
- Regular and temporary teachers, excluding substitutes, during summer vacation who still receive pay and who expect to go back the next school year
- A person who is a farmer or a fisherman by usual occupation is considered employed throughout the year. Hence, a farmer who at the time of the enumeration reported that he did not do any work at all for the past 7 days because there was no work to be done at the farm since the planting season was over or he was waiting for harvesting time, should be reported as "having a job", although not at work. Similarly, a fisherman who was not working for the past 7 days because of inclement weather or because the period is off-season for fishing, should be reported as "having a job".
-A farmer's son who usually works without pay on family farm but did not work at all during the past 7 days because of illness, although there was work to do on the farm is considered as with a job.
These persons are considered as with jobs or businesses. They should have an answer of code 1 in P25.