Literal question
10 Years Old and Older
[Questions P23-P31 apply to persons 10 years old and over]
P23. Usual Activity/Occupation
___ What was [respondent] 's usual activity/occupation during the past twelve months?
Describe occupation as fully as possible.
Examples: Palay Farmer, Filing Clerk, Fruit Vendor, Student, etc.
If housewife, student, or retiree, skip to P25.
P29. Availability for Work
Was [respondent] available for work during the past seven days?
Encircle code
1 Yes
2 No, skip to P32.
Interviewer instructions
P29 Availability for Work
This question aims to determine how many from those who had no job are available for work. This is one of the concepts used in determining the unemployed.
For a person to be available for work, he must have the time to work during the past seven days. He must not have any reason at all for refusing a job, if offered, during the past seven days except for minor illness.
Ask the question in P29, "Was ____ available for work during the past seven days?" for those whose answer in P25 is No, code 2. Encircle 1 - Yes for those who are available for work during the past seven days. Otherwise, encircle 2 for No and enter a dash (-) both in P30 and P31.