Literal question
Chap. II Data on housing unit
To be completed by the first household in the dwelling only
5 Water supply installation
Has water supply installation in dwelling from:
[] 1 public network
[] 2 private supply system
Does not have water installation in dwelling; water supply source is located:
[] 3 outside the dwelling but in the building
[] 4 outside the building
Interviewer instructions
Q.5 Water supply installation
29. Mark an x in the box which corresponds to the stated situation: code 1 if the existing water supply in the housing unit is connected to a public network of a community-wide system, or code 2 if the system is privately supplied.
For dwellings that do not have a water supply within the dwelling, specify its location: inside the building (code 3) or outside the building (code 4).
A housing unit is considered as having its water supply from a public network, whether it has piped water installation from a local community-wide system or from an enterprise or institution, etc. Also, a water supply is considered part of a public network whether the water is supplied to the housing unit from the street drinking fountain or through a piped system.
A dwelling is is considered as having its own private supply system if the housing unit receives water through a piped system from a natural source: a pit, fountain, spring etc.
When a dwelling is located in an individual building having only one housing unit with a water supply inside the building, an x will be marked in the box for code 1 or code 2 because the building is identical to the dwelling;
When a housing unit uses two sources for its water supply, indicated only the water supply offering the higher comfort to the dwelling.