Value |
Category |
1 |
Mobile phone |
2 |
Radio |
8 |
None of the above |
12 |
Mobile & radio |
13 |
Mobile & fridge |
15 |
Mobile & iron |
16 |
Mobile & TV |
26 |
Radio & TV |
123 |
Mobile, radio & fridge |
124 |
Mobile, radio & fan |
125 |
Mobile, radio & iron |
126 |
Mobile, radio & TV |
127 |
Mobile, radio & satellite dish |
135 |
Mobile, fridge & iron |
136 |
Mobile, fridge & TV |
145 |
Mobile, fan & iron |
146 |
Mobile, fan & TV |
156 |
Mobile, iron & TV |
167 |
Mobile, TV & satellite |
1234 |
Mobile, radio, fridge & fan |
1236 |
Mobile, radio, fridge & TV |
1246 |
Mobile, radio, fan & TV |
1256 |
Mobile, radio, iron & TV |
1257 |
Mobile, radio, iron & satellite |
1267 |
Mobile, radio, TV & satellite |
1346 |
Mobile, fridge, fan & TV |
1456 |
Mobile, fan, iron & TV |
12345 |
Mobile, radio, fridge, fan & iron |
12346 |
Mobile, radio, fridge, fan & TV |
12356 |
Mobile, radio, fridge, iron & TV |
12367 |
Mobile, radio, fridge, TV & satellite |
12456 |
Mobile, radio, fan, iron & TV |
12467 |
Mobile, radio, fan, TV & satellite |
12567 |
Mobile, radio, iron, TV & satellite |
13456 |
Mobile, fridge, fan, iron & TV |
13467 |
Mobile, fridge, fan, TV & satellite |
14567 |
Mobile, fan, iron, TV & satellite |
123456 |
All but satellite |
123467 |
All but iron |
123567 |
All but fan |
124567 |
All but fridge |
134567 |
All but radio |
1234567 |
All items |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.