Value |
Category |
2atates douces (vomanga) |
2oanjobory |
2ommes de terre (ovy) |
2utres racines, tubercules |
Arachides natures ou sech‚es |
Autres |
Autres racines, tubercules |
Bananes |
Farine de manioc |
Haricots secs |
Igname (oviala) |
Lentilles |
Manioc sech‚ |
Manioc vert |
Noix de coco |
Patates douces (vomanga) |
Pois du cap |
Pomme de terre (ovy) |
Pommes de terre (ovy) |
Pommes, poires |
Pˆches, prunes, abricots |
Sanioc vert |
Taro (saonjo) |
Voanjobory |
\Lentilles |
\utres racines, tubercules |
`anioc vert |
sanioc vert |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.