Value |
Category |
01 |
Azuay |
02 |
Bolívar |
03 |
Cañar |
04 |
Carchi |
05 |
Cotopaxi |
06 |
Chimborazo |
07 |
El Oro |
08 |
Esmeraldas |
09 |
Guayas |
10 |
Imbabura |
11 |
Loja |
12 |
Los Ríos |
13 |
Manabí |
14 |
Morona Santiago |
15 |
Napo |
16 |
Pastaza |
17 |
Pichincha |
18 |
Tungurahua |
19 |
Zamora Chinchipe |
20 |
Galápagos |
21 |
Sucumbíos |
22 |
Orellana |
23 |
Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas |
24 |
Santa Elena |
88 |
90 |
Zonas no Delimitada |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.