Value |
Category |
Buiding teacher's house for secondary school |
Building class rooms and teacher's house |
Building classrooms |
Building dispensary |
Building food store at primary school |
Building health centre |
Building health worker's house in the dispensary school classrooms |
Building houses for primary school teachers |
Building kitchen for primary school |
Building latrine at the village dispensary |
Building latrines for two primary schools |
Building primary school classrooms |
Building primary school classrooms and latrine |
Building primary school school teacher's house |
Building school |
Building school classrooms |
Building school kitchen |
Building school latrines |
Building school store |
Building secondary and primary school classrooms |
Building secondary school |
Building secondary school and primary school desks |
Building secondary school teachers house and primary school classrooms |
Building teacher's house |
Building teacher's houses |
Building teacher's houses for secondary school |
Building various school buildings |
Building village dispensary |
Building village office |
Building village primary school |
Building village primary school classrooms |
Building ward office |
Building ward secondary school and dispensary |
Built doctor's house |
Built heath centre |
Carrying bricks for the build of school kitchen and store |
Collecting materials for building school latrine |
Collecting materials for the construction of primary school |
Collecting materials for the construction of two classrooms in their primary school. |
Collecting materials for the construction of village office |
Collecting materials to build primary school |
Collection of materials for the construction of villsge dispensary |
Construction of village roads |
Contributions for the build of secondary school |
Making bore wells |
Making bricks for government buildings |
Making bricks for the construction of primary school classrooms |
Making bricks to construct secondary school |
Making bricks to construct village office |
Renovating village roads |
buiding dispensary |
buiding teacher's house |
build administration block in secondary school |
build classrooms at ward secondary school |
build classrooms for primary school |
build classrooms for secondary school |
build dispensary |
build health centre |
build latrine in primary school |
build market |
build one classrooms at primary school |
build primary school |
build primary school teacher's house |
build school store |
build school. |
build secondary school |
build teacher's house |
build teacher's house for primary school |
build village dispensary |
build ward secondary school |
building class rooms and teacher's house |
building classrooms |
building classrooms and teacher''s house |
building dispensary |
building health centre |
building health personel's house |
building health personnel's house |
building latrine for primary school |
building primary school |
building primary school buildings |
building primary school infrastructures |
building primary school latrine |
building school |
building school and dispensary |
building school classrooms |
building school houses |
building secondary school |
building secondary school classrooms |
building teacher's house |
building teacher's house for primary and secondary schools |
building teachers house |
building two appartments for teachers |
building two classrooms |
building two teacher's household |
building village market and teachers house |
building village office |
building village roads |
building water tanks reservoir at primary school |
buillding primary school classrooms |
built kitchen, temporary latrine,classroom, office and teachers house for primary school |
bulding store in primary school |
clearning village roads |
collecting materials for the building of dispensary |
collecting materials for the construction of school water reseivours |
collecting materials to build teacher's house |
collecting materials to build village dispensary |
collecting stones for school construction |
collection of materials to build health centre |
collection of materials to build teacher's house |
collection of materials to build village dispensary |
collection of materials to construct primary school classrooms |
collection of raw materials for the construction of dispensary |
collection of raw materials for the construction of doctor''s house |
construction of doctor's house |
construction of primary and secondary schools |
construction of primary school |
construction of village market |
construction of village roads |
construction of water catchment for animals. |
contribution to build two classrooms at primary school |
contribution towards building village dispensary |
dig and build pit holes for secondary school |
digging a borewell |
digging open water ponds |
dispensary renovation |
excavation of garbage pits |
hand washing with soap |
instalation of water pipes |
macking bricks to build dispensary |
maintaining roads |
maintenance of water pipes |
making bricks for the construction of village office |
making bricks to build classrooms in primary school |
making bricks to build dispensary |
making bricks to build health centre |
making bricks to build health personel's house |
making bricks to build nursery school |
making bricks to build primary school |
making bricks to build school |
making bricks to build secondary school classrooms |
making bricks to build teacher's house |
making bricks to build village development building |
making bricks to build village dispensary and office |
making dining chairs for school |
making foundation to build dispensary |
making pond |
planting trees |
renovating dispensary |
renovating village roads |
renovation of school classrooms |
renovation of school playing pitch |
renovation of village roads |
roads renovation |
village roads renovation |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.