Value |
Category |
Building classrooms for primary and secondary schools |
Building dispensary latrine |
Building doctor''s house in the dispensary location |
Building doctor's and teacher's houses |
Building kitchen for primary school |
Building latrine for secondary school |
Building market |
Building primary school classrooms |
Building public toilet for the village |
Building school |
Building school hostel |
Building school latrine |
Building school latrines |
Building school store |
Building teacher''s houses for their primary school |
Building teacher's house |
Building village dispensary and school latrines |
Building ward office |
Building water tanks in the village primary school |
Clearing plot and collection of stones to build dispensary |
Clearing plot to build dispensary |
Collecting materials to build secondary school |
Collection of materials to build laboratory |
Collection of stones to build dispensary |
Collection of stones to build dispensary and village office |
Consruction of doctor's house foundation |
Consruction of teacher's house foundation |
Construction of primary school classrooms |
Construction of village roads |
Making bore wells |
Making bricks to build school kitchen |
Making water canal |
Preparation of materials and hole to build a latrine |
Road renovation |
build a classroom |
build a dipping trough |
build dispensary |
build health centre |
build kitchens in two primary school |
build laboratory building |
build latrine in dispensary |
build latrine in primary school |
build primary school classrooms |
build school kitchen |
build secondary school classrooms |
build teacher's house |
build village office |
buildin school store |
building classrooms |
building classrooms for primary school |
building dispensary |
building dispensary and preparation for the build of secondary school |
building latrine for health facility |
building latrine for primary school |
building office and latrine |
building school classrooms |
building secondary school |
building secondary school classrooms |
building teacher's house |
building village office |
building village roads |
clearning cemetery |
clearning sources of water |
collecting stones for construction of dispensary and staff houses |
collection of materials to build a dormitory |
collection of materials to build a health centre |
collection of materials to build doctor's house |
collection of materials to build school classrooms |
collection of materials to build secondary school domitory |
collection of materials to construct classrooms for secondary school |
collection of raw materials for the construction of teacher's house |
construction of village office |
contribution to build bore wells |
digging a latrine pit in primary school |
digging pit holes for secondary school latrines |
digging pit holes for village market latrines |
excavation of trenchs for water supply in the village |
maintaining village roads |
maintaining village roads and building village office |
making brick to build school store |
making bricks to build classrooms in primary school |
making bricks to build dispensary |
making bricks to build primary school |
making bricks to build village office |
renovating village roads |
renovation of school kitchen |
renovation of village crops godown |
renovation of village roads |
renovation of water dam |
renovation of water pipes |
repairing desks |
repairing primary school latrines |
school construction |
village roads renovation |
village roads renovations and water project |
water project |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.