Value |
Category |
-99 |
DK |
DK as is tenant |
DK, belongs to a neighbour |
DK, do not own it |
DK, hh lives in a rented house |
DK, it is a rented house |
DK, owned by the church |
DK, public toilet |
DK, they found it already built |
Don't Know |
Don't know |
Don’t know |
HH head |
HH head knowledge |
HH member |
Landlord |
doesn't know as is a tenant in this house |
don't know because they dont own it |
don’t know |
family labour |
found latrine already built |
hh does not own the latrine |
household labour |
household member |
household members |
household memmbers |
own construction |
own design |
own effort |
own initiatives |
own labour |
own plan |
owned by other household |
respondents are tenants |
they found latrine already built |
walipohamia walikikuta hivo hawajui |
was not in the house when the latrine was built |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.