Value |
Category |
Afer coming from the farm |
After contamination with kerosene |
After eat |
After eating |
After farm works |
After touching ashes |
After touching charcoal |
Before milking a cow |
Before praying |
Before washing baby's face |
Milking a cow |
after clearning the house |
after coming from farm |
after coming from the farm |
after eating |
after farm work |
after farming activities |
after general cleaning |
after handling kerosene |
after handling rubbish |
after harvesting coffee |
after having sex |
after looking after livestock |
after meals |
after pealing bananas |
after pealing green plantains |
after peeling banana |
after peeling bananas |
after pleating hair |
after preparing food |
after putting charcoal in the cooker |
after removing child feaces |
after shaving a child |
after sweeping |
after touching mouse poison |
after waking up |
after waking up every morning |
after waking up in the morning |
after working |
after working on the farm |
before brushing tooth |
before eating |
before feeding a child |
before going to bed |
before going to the clinic |
before meals |
before sleeping |
before wash the face in the morning |
before washing a face |
before washing face |
before washing face in the morning |
coming from the farm |
coming home from farm |
from farm work |
preparing to go to the clinic |
upon waking up in the morning |
was cleaning legs |
washing face upon waking up |
washing upon waking up in the morning |
when going out for a walk |
when washing face |
while brushing teeth |
while washing face |
while washing legs |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.