Value |
Category |
After cleaning the sorrounding and aftre hair dressing |
After coming from farm while bathing |
After doing general cleanness |
After eating |
After farm activities |
After farm activities and general cleanness |
After farm works |
After feeding animals and farm works |
After general cleanness |
After milking |
After sexual intercourse |
After touching any garbage |
After wake up |
After waking up in the morning |
After washing clother |
After weeding |
After working up from bed |
Before milking |
Before milking a cow |
Before tooth brushing |
Don't know |
During bathing |
From cow shed |
When taking bath |
While bathing |
While washing face |
Wipe nostril mucus |
after any contaminating with garbage |
after bathing |
after carrying garbage |
after cleaness |
after cleaning dishes |
after cleaning the house |
after clearning work |
after collecting garbage |
after coming from farm |
after coming from work and before sleeping |
after coming fromwork |
after coming home from a walk |
after different chores |
after dirty work |
after doing a general cleaning |
after eating |
after eating food |
after eating meat |
after farm activies |
after farm activities |
after farm work |
after farm works |
after farming |
after general cleaning |
after handling ashes |
after handling dirt |
after handling dirty objects |
after handling dust/ charcoal |
after handling kerosene |
after handling livestock |
after handling oily objects |
after handling rubbish |
after handling rubbish/ working on the farm |
after having sex |
after having sexual intercourse |
after making cleanliness |
after meals |
after meanstruation period (mp) and washing kids clothes |
after pealing bananas |
after peeling bananas |
after performing cleanliness |
after performing sexual intercourse |
after perporming sexual intercourse |
after picking garbage and during waking up |
after picking rubbish from the sorroundings |
after preparing food |
after sexual activities |
after sexual intercourse |
after shaking hands with different people |
after sweeping |
after sweeping compound |
after sweeping the floor |
after touching any dirtness |
after touching dirty things like faeces |
after touching dust |
after touching garbage |
after touching garbage/carcass |
after touching oilly things |
after touching poison |
after wake up |
after waking up |
after waking up early morning |
after waking up in the morning |
after washing child's napies |
after washing child's nappies |
after washing clothes |
after washing dishes |
after washing kitchen utensils |
after wiping nose mucus |
after work |
after work on the farm |
after working |
after working on the farm |
after working up |
after working, peeling bananas and cleaning the house |
bathing |
before brushing teeth |
before brushing teeth/ cooking food |
before going for worship |
before going to bed |
before going to sleep |
before meals |
before milking cows |
before preparing food |
before touching white cloth |
before washing a face |
before washing dishes |
before washing face |
coming from the farm |
coming home from farm |
coming in from outside |
coming in from the farm |
day times |
during bathing |
during monthly period |
during washing dishes |
early morning after waking up |
if they looks dirty |
if your hands are dirty |
in the morning |
never uses soap |
on waking up in the morning |
taking a bath |
upon waking up in the morning |
washing dishes/clothes |
when bathing |
when bathing/ washing clothes |
when bathing/ washing dishes |
when going out |
when going out for a walk/visit |
when hands are dirty |
when have a cut or injury |
when washing clothes/ dishes |
when washing dishes |
when washing dishes/ clothes |
while bathing |
while washing |
while washing child |
while washing clothes |
while washing clothes and utensils |
while washing face |
while washing latrine |
while washing utensils |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.