Value |
Category |
After reading the consent form they refuse, and they give no reason for their refusal |
All HH members are the same as in HH ID 417110. They cheat on existence of this HH |
All children under 5 years travelled to far place and they won't be back soon |
Caregiver and a child were not present during the day of Structured observation |
Cheated to have separate HHs but it was realized that this is the same as HH no 3. |
Eligible respondent was not available |
Eligible respondents are admitted in the hospital |
HH does not have an eligible child |
Household have no eligible children |
ID 6 was absent during the interview |
Information was given by a neighbour |
Interpreter was used |
Members were not available for the interview |
Moved to different village for ceremony |
OK |
OK, but interpreter was very slow |
Ok |
Respondent during listing cheated names of members and those names were not identified during hh questionnaire. |
The HH wasn't in the village during the past 3 years |
The available child doesn't meet survey criteria as it was mistaken during listing |
The household buys water from local vendours |
The interview was interrupted by national census interview |
There were no any contamination event until the time for SO was over |
They left early in the morning |
They travelled to outside the village, and they wont be back soon. |
Travelled |
Travelled to the village on emergency |
Went for their child medication, out of the village |
Went to gospel conference |
Went to the district head quarters |
Were not available at home all the times |
can't disclose household informations |
care hiver was not present |
caregiver was temporary during mother's absence |
child is younger than the age provided during listing |
child travelled for medical treatment |
child travelled with her sister |
child was at school |
children and caregiver were admitted to hospital |
clara went to mtwara |
eligible respondents moved out of the village to seek treatment |
hh head did not cooperate in the interview |
hh head mentioned previously is not not recognised as by the hh member |
hh head mentioned previously is not not recognised as head by the hh member |
hh was not living in the village in february 2009 |
household doesn't meet the eligibility criteria |
household has no eligible children |
household head refused to participate |
household head refused to participate claiming that researchers are freemason members |
household is not eligible |
household members travelled |
household refused to participate |
household temporarly vacated for wedding ceremony |
interpreter used |
interpreter was used |
main caregiver did not get up at the time promised |
members of this household have travelled |
mistaken during listing |
most of SO time children moved to their grandmother's house to play |
mother accepted appointment, but on interview day the father efused |
no body available in the household |
ok |
parents refused anthropometric measurements |
polygamous household as 809205 |
polygamous household as 809207 |
refused anthropometric measurements and latrine observation |
refused anthropometric measurements and owner refused latrine observation |
refused to be interviewed as he claimed surveys helps them nothing |
refused to participate because they have participated several times but no outcomes |
respondent has impared ears and could understand little swahili so mostly i used haya to communicate |
respondent kept moving off to do her chores |
respondent refused in the middle of the interview |
respondent refused to be interviewed |
respondent refused to participate |
respondent seemed to be not very conversant with household informations |
the child has travelled |
the child listed does not live in this HH |
the hh did not cooperate |
the hh has travelled to district headquarters |
the hh head listed during listing had passed away thats why he is not in hh roster |
the hh refused |
the household wasn't in the village on february 2009 |
the household wasn’t in the village on february 2009 |
the interview was postponed because the hh head went to pick his wife to come to the interview |
the main respondent is a msabunishaji |
the name of the hh head was wrong; he lives in the same compound as the father but they do not cook together |
there is no child aged below 5 years in the hh |
there is no one to be interviewed in this hh |
this household migrated to this village last year |
travelled outside the village |
travelled to a neighbouring country |
went for burrial ceremony |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.