Value |
Category |
AIDS awareness group |
Burial group |
Burial groups |
Environmental conservation group |
Farming social groups |
Funeral groups |
HIV victims |
Household building groups |
Modern potatoes and jetropher growers group |
Modern potatoes growers group |
NGO helping the elderly (sawaka) |
Pastoralists groups |
Poultry keeping group |
Rotational farming group |
Self help group |
bee keeping |
brick making group |
burial activities |
buying roofing iron sheets in turns |
cattle hearding group |
cattle keeping group |
clan association |
clan group |
clan groups |
clan society |
cooperative farming |
cotton growers group |
cotton pesticides distributors group |
dairy keeping |
demonstrations farming group |
disabled poultry keeping |
elderly people's group |
environment conservation in trees planting |
environmental conservation |
farm help |
farm help in rotation |
farm help in turns |
farm help in turns and funeral society |
farmers cooperative |
farmers organization |
farming group |
fish farming |
funeral |
funeral and illness group |
funeral arrangement and confort |
funeral assistance |
funeral societies |
funeral society |
group of people living with HIV |
helping each other with farm work |
helping peolpe with disability |
improved farming classes |
in emergencies |
intertainment drama |
jatropha cultivation |
livestock keeping |
local brewing |
local brewing group |
men's social club |
men's social group |
orphan care group |
pastoralism group |
reforestration |
rotational farming group |
saccos |
sacoss |
seed storage froups |
self help group |
socialization group |
the dasip group works with donors in different areas including provision of business capital |
tree nursery |
village cooperative bank (VICOBA) |
village cooperative bank (vicoba) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.