Value |
Category |
1 |
Agri. vivriŠre |
2 |
Agri. indust. |
3 |
Elevage |
4 |
Chasse |
5 |
Sylvi. ceuill. |
6 |
Annexes agri. |
7 |
Pˆche |
8 |
Aqua. piscic. |
9 |
Minerais m‚tal. |
10 |
Min. non m‚tal. |
11 |
Aut.indus.extr. |
12 |
Indus.alim.B&T. |
13 |
Indus.text.H&C |
14 |
Arct.&.Ouvr.Bois |
15 |
Edit.&.Imprim. |
16 |
Indus. chimique |
17 |
Indus. caoutch. |
18 |
Fab.min.non m‚ta |
19 |
Travail de m‚tau |
20 |
Fab.mach. ‚quipe |
21 |
Fab.appar.‚lectr |
22 |
Fab.mat‚.transp. |
23 |
Aut.indus.manufa |
24 |
Prod.dist.‚lectr |
25 |
Prod.dist.gaz |
26 |
Trait.dist.eau |
27 |
Cons.bƒt.g‚n.civ |
28 |
Trav.instlation |
29 |
Trav. de finitio |
30 |
Loc.mat.construc |
31 |
Commerce |
32 |
Hotel & restaur. |
33 |
Trans. terrestre |
34 |
Trans. par eau |
35 |
Trans. a‚riens |
36 |
Ser.aux.transpor |
37 |
Postes & t‚l‚com |
38 |
Inter.financiŠre |
39 |
Assurances |
40 |
Aux.fin.& assur. |
41 |
Act.immobiliŠres |
42 | |
43 |
Act.informatique |
44 |
Rech. &. d‚velop |
45 |
Serv. aux entrep |
46 |
Ad.P-(Ed.&.Sant‚ |
47 |
Administr. priv‚ |
48 |
Ense. pr‚scolair |
49 |
Ense.fondammenta |
50 |
Ense.S‚c. G‚n‚ra |
51 |
Ense.Tech.Profes |
52 |
Ense. Sup‚rieur |
53 |
Autr.acti.enseig |
54 |
Act.sant‚ humain |
55 |
Act. v‚t‚rinaire |
56 |
Action sociale |
57 |
Assain. & Voirie |
58 |
Act. associative |
59 |
Act. culturelles |
60 |
Serv. Pers.s |
61 |
Serv. domestique |
62 |
Act.extra-territ |
63 |
Act.non cl. aill |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.