Value |
Category |
0024 |
020427U |
02043321 |
020600 |
020700 |
040100 |
040400 |
040500 |
040600 |
040700 |
041000 |
041200 |
041300 |
041500 |
041800 |
042600 |
042700 |
070200 |
09 |
090200 |
090311 |
090314 |
090800 |
100 |
11-U-2 |
115 |
117 |
121407-I |
13 |
130 |
130100 |
1302 |
130800 |
131000 |
131500 |
131601 |
131704 |
132200 |
132300 |
140200 |
140800 |
140900 |
1512 |
18 |
186 |
2-04-21Q |
2-0432-U |
20414U |
20420U |
20437J(39) |
22 |
23 |
28 |
302 |
30905U |
3225 |
3230 |
37 |
411 |
412201 |
41302-U |
41304-U |
41312-U |
41321-U |
41323-U |
414-14-U |
41411-U |
482 |
49 |
50 |
500 |
51 |
560 |
571 |
64 |
66 |
74 |
CA 75 |
UCSF CA 67 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.