Value |
Category |
1 |
Worried that volume of water available would be inadequate for all needs? |
2 |
Had to use water from other sources you only use during shortage? |
3 |
Collect water from an undesirable/dirty source? |
4 |
Drink water that you thought might not be safe for health? |
5 |
Economize water by limiting the amount of water used for drinking or cooking? |
6 |
Economize water by limiting the amount of water used for bathing/washing or cleaning/chores/laundry? |
7 |
Limit the amount of water used for any other purpose? |
8 |
Not cook at all because there was not enough water? |
9 |
Restrict consumption/use of water among adults in order to reserve water for children? |
10 |
Not collected water because the queue was too long? |
11 |
Not collected water because there was not enough water at the source? |
12 |
Lacked the money needed to buy enough water? |
13 |
Been unable to complete all work/chores because of time needed for water collection? |
14 |
Kept a girl home from school (or delayed from going to school) to help with water collection? |
15 |
Kept a boy home from school (or delayed from going to school) to help with water collection |
16 |
Quarreled with a neighbor over issues related to water collection? |
17 |
Quarreled with spouse over household water needs? |
18 |
Been thirsty when you went to bed? |
19 |
Passed an entire day without drinking water? |
20 |
Passed an entire day and night without any water for any purpose, in the household? |
21 |
Worried that you would not have enough food in the household? |
22 |
Not had medicines or medical treatment if you were sick? |
23 |
Not had enough fuel to cook your food? |
24 |
Not had sufficient cash on hand to purchase food for your family? |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.