Value |
Category |
"Le Project Lecture" |
Ateliers de perfectionnement professionnel de 10 jours a la AUF. L`aspect la plu |
Children should know all about what they read about with understanding. |
Comment utiliser la methode "Au Bord de Lagon" |
Do shared, Independent and Guided reading. |
Familiarisation du project CFR |
Familiarisation project CFR |
Formation de la langue et de pictogramme |
I have attend some Vanlep workshop and i have learn alot from it especially, the |
I learned to carry out the 3 different types of reading: a) read aloud, b) guide |
Il faut creer les competances a developper et que les consignes soivent claire p |
It is helpful because the feedback from the student is good but I need certified |
LCI Literacy training |
LCI Module 3 Literacy: The most useful aspect was to help students read and asse |
L`apprentissage de la lecture, combinatoir des syllables, defrichrement. |
La formation sur le projet de lecture - la phase familiarisation |
La methode ABL |
La premier formation ABL, la deuxieme formation c`est etait sur le project lectu |
Leftemap Literacy |
Les differentes methode de lecture,les activites de lecture, lire un livre, iden |
Les methodes de la lecture (syllabique, globales, mixtes; leurs avantages et inc |
Literacy and phonics |
Phonics LCI and Reading: To help children recognize letter manes, letter sounds, |
Profil d`enseigement, ABL, L`apprentissage centre sur l`eleve |
Projet Lecture ABL, L`apprentissage centre sur l`eleve, Profil de l`enseignant |
Projet lecture Tafea |
Reading was done in steps-shared guided -independent |
Renforcer la langue au niveau Primaire (La Langue Francaise) |
Run more in-service trainings and apply the skills in teaching. |
The most useful aspect of these trainings [Vanlep] is to help us to teach childr |
The most useful of these training is to teach sounds and reading in primary scho |
To get the children to be able to read more |
To teach phonics and literacy in primary schools |
Trained how to stand in front of the class and how to teach each lesson and subj |
Travail en atelier et groupe de lecture. |
Travail en groupe, travail par atelier, description du profil d`un eleve. |
projet lecture Tafea |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.