Value |
Category |
accountant |
acting director |
ceo |
chief accountant |
chief economist |
chief engineer |
chief of hr department |
chief of the production and technical department |
chief of the sales department |
chief of the supply department |
commercial director |
deputy chief accountant |
deputy director |
deputy director in commercial part |
deputy director in economics |
deputy director in economics and finances |
deputy director in finances |
deputy director in general affairs |
deputy director in production |
deputy director in production and quality |
deputy director in quality |
deputy general director |
director |
director - chief editor |
director of production |
director of production depatrment |
economist |
financial director |
general director |
head of macaroni department |
hr specialist |
main specialist of production |
main technologist - chief of production |
manager |
marketing director |
marketologist |
master estimator |
pr manager |
president |
production manager |
sales manager |
senior foreman |
specialist |
technical director |
technologist |
top-manager |
vice-president |
vice-president in production |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.