Literal question
In what month and year did you first marry, start living with a man as if married, or start the visiting relationship?
Interviewer instructions
If the respondent knows the date that she first married or started living with a man as if married, write it in the appropriate spaces for 'Month' and 'Year'. You will need to convert the month into numbers, as instructed earlier. For example, January is '01,' February is '02,' March is '03,' etc.
If she does not recall the date that she first married or started living with a man as if married, ask whether she has any documentation that might give the date. If she does not know or have documentation of the month, circle '98' for 'DK month' and ask her the year that she first married or started living with a man as if married. Enter the year in the space provided and go to next module. If she does not know and does not have documentation of the year that she first married or started living with a man as if married, circle '9998' for 'DK year'.