Value |
Category |
Accountant |
Did not disclose the other source |
Estimated figures |
Friends |
Relatives |
Friends & Relatives |
Money lenders |
NR |
Not willing to disclose the other source |
Other Businesses |
Other source not disclosed |
Owners personal savings and friends |
Relatives |
Sister company |
borrowed from friends |
df |
director |
financial statements |
friends |
from financial statement |
from financial statements |
from membership contribution |
he doesn't want to give me financial report |
he doesn't want to give the right figures from his records |
his brothers business |
internal funds and relatives |
money form his own pocket |
no |
none |
other busineses owned |
owner |
owner's money |
owners |
refused to give me financial report |
source not disclosed |
the chief accountant, refused to give me the exactly report on financial statements. |
we lend and borrow each other money |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.