Literal question
Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who died even if he/she lived for short time only?
If No, probe by asking: I mean, a child who showed any sign of life, such as crying – even if he or she lived only a few days or hours?
Interviewer instructions
This question is extremely important.
Circle the code corresponding to the response. Some respondents may fail to mention children who died very young, so if she answers 'No', it is important to probe by asking “I mean, to a child who ever breathed, cried or showed signs of life - even if he or she lived only a few minutes or hours?” If the answer is still 'No', skip to CM10.
Some respondents may be reluctant to talk about this subject and may become sad or upset that you are asking such questions. Be sympathetic and tactful in such situations. Say that you know the subject is painful, but the information is important.