Value |
Category |
0 |
No formal education |
1 |
Pre- primary education |
2 |
Primary education |
3 |
Basic secondary education |
4 |
Full secondary education (obtained a high school 'attestat') |
5 |
Obtained qualification diploma and attestat of completion of |
6 |
Qualification diploma of PTU, FZU, FZO etc. (which you enter |
7 |
Secondary special education that you entered upon completion |
8 |
Secondary special education that you entered upon completion |
9 |
Complete higher education (without specification of the dipl |
10 |
Degree of junior specialist combined with full general secon |
11 |
Degree of junior specialist from institute, university, acad |
12 |
Bachelor degree from institute, university, academy or other |
13 |
Diploma of specialist from institute, university, academy or |
14 |
Master degree from institute, university, academy or other h |
15 |
Candidate of sciences, doctor of sciences |
16 |
Other (RECORD) |
97 |
DS |
99 |
RF |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.