Interviewer instructions
Dwelling Unit
193. The accommodation occupied by one household is the dwelling unit. And we are concerned in this section with the housing arrangements for this household - with the accommodation it occupies - with its living quarters.
Tenure of Dwelling Unit
200. This question is concerned with the arrangements by which a household occupies its dwelling or living quarters.
201. Ask, "Does this household pay rent for its living quarters?" Tick the box which most nearly describes the arrangements under which the household occupies its dwelling. If no box is appropriate, tick box 8. and describe the arrangements as best you can.
202. If the householder owns the dwelling which the household occupies, tick "owner occupier".
203. If the householder pays rent, determine whether the housing is "public" or "private". Public housing is owned by the Government, Municipalities, Town Boards and Parastatals. All other housing is private.
204. Households occupying Government housing may pay nominal rents. For these, tick "subsidized - public". If households occupying private housing pay similar nominal rents, tick "Subsidized - private".
205. If the householder neither owns the dwelling nor pays rent of any kind but occupies the dwelling free of charge, tick "Free - public" or "Free-private" as appropriate.