Literal question
13. Living continuously in the given settlement since birth:
[] Yes
[] No
If no, then indicate
13.1. The year since a person continuously lives in the current settlement ___
13.2. Previous residence-country, in the case of Armenia-Marz and settlement ___
13.3. What kind of settlement a person came from___
[] Urban
[] Rural
13.4. Main reason of changing the residence:
[] From other countries as a consequence of war actions
[] From other countries because of fear to be exposed to persecution for racial, national, religious belong, membership to any social group or for political convictions
[] Family
[] Repatriation
[] Other
Interviewer instructions
Question 18
What type of settlement (urban or rural) was your place of residence?
If the respondent's last place of residence was in an urban community, "1" is marked and "2" is marked for those who lived in the rural community.