Literal question
14. Main source of livelihood:
[] Wage employment
[] Self-employed on peasant farm
[] Self-employed in other spheres
[] Income from ownership (from peasant farm, rents received from tenancy, interests, dividends)
[] Use of credits, savings and capital sale (including property)
[] Pension
[] Benefit from state bodies
[] Benefit from non-state sources
[] Scholarship
[] Under the state security
[] Under the security of non-state charitable public organization
Monetary assistance
[] From state sources
[] From relatives, friends, acquaintances living in abroad
[] From relatives living in Armenia
[] Dependents
[] Other sources
Interviewer instructions
Question 20
The main source of the means of your existence
Before the beginning of the questioning the interviewer represents the list of the sources of the means of the existence to the replier. From this list the replier chooses his/her answer. Based on the received answers the interviewer writes the identification code corresponding to the chosen mean of existence.
"01" Hired employment. The code corresponding to this prompt is written for those people who has a job expressed by money or food-products or a profitable occupation regardless the time of the getting a payment for the job or getting a profit.
"02" Self-employment in agriculture. The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are busy in their personal farm with an agriculture work or keeping domestic animals. This source is written not only for those who are busy with agriculture for selling proposes, but also for those who are producing for the usage in their personal industry if such occupation makes a considerable invention in the general consumption of the household.
"03" Self-employment in other spheres. The prompt code for this category is written for those people who are involved in other spheres of economy, except the agriculture.
"4" Income from property. The prompt code for this category is written for those people who get their means of existence from the following sources:
a. Income from the cash deposits, providing of the loans and other credits etc.
b. Incomes from the difference in exchange rates of the sold shares and other forms of dividends,
c. Income rent from the leasing of the land and property,
d. In-kind (nonmonetary) income.
"5" Use of loans, savings and sale of capital (including the property)
"6" Pensions. This prompt code is written for those people who get a pension: pension for general work, age pension, pension for handicap children, social pension, pension for people who got handicapped at the time of the military service, pension for the families of the veterans. Besides when the money earner is died the pension determined for children, is for the children and not for the mother or father even if they are the ones who get that pension, and the pension for the family is written by the name of the person who gets it (for example the pension for the families of the veterans).
"7" Public benefits. "Benefit (except the unemployment benefit)". This prompt code is written for those people who get a monthly social benefit (foe example poverty, family benefit, one-off benefit given for the nursing of the children under the age of two and other benefits). "Unemployment benefit". This prompt code is written for those people who are registered as a unemployed in the employment services and get an unemployment benefit as well as financial assistance form the resources of the employment fund.
"8" Benefits from non-state sources
"9" "Scholarship". This prompt code is written for those students who get a scholarship.
"10" "Under the state care". This prompt code is written for the children of the orphanages, for the students living in the boarding schools, for the old and handicapped living in the nursing homes as well as for other people living under the care of the state.
"11" Under the care of non-governmental charity institutions
"12" "Monetary transfers (from the state sources)". This prompt code is written who get material assistance from the state (or regional) resources under the conditions that has no connection with the work.
"13" "Monetary transfers (from relatives residing outside Armenia)". "Material assistance (from non-state resources)". This prompt code is written for those who periodically get a material assistance without compensation from non-state resources. For example from relatives and not relatives, from organizations and so on.
"14" "Monetary transfers (from relatives residing outside Armenia)".
"15" "Under care". This prompt code is written for those who live by the resources of the relatives and other people as well as for those who get alimony. For example if the alimony is paid to the under-age children, who are the alimony receivers, then "Under care" prompt code is written for the children and not for the mother or father.
"16" "Other source". This prompt code is written only for those people whose source of the existence is not mentioned above (for example saving and so on).