Value |
Category |
111 |
Chief executives, senior officials and legislators |
112 |
Managing directors and chief executives |
113 |
Local authorities |
114 |
Leaders of parties and non-governmental units |
121 |
Business services and administration managers |
122 |
Sales, marketing and development managers |
123 |
Other services and subdivisions |
131 |
Managers of small organizations |
211 |
Physical and earth science professionals |
212 |
Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians |
213 |
IT specialists |
214 |
Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology) |
221 |
Specialists of biological and agricultural sciences |
222 |
Medical doctors |
223 |
Nursing and midwifery professionals |
231 |
University and higher education teachers |
232 |
Vocational anf secondary education teachers |
233 |
Primary school and early childhood teachers |
235 |
Other teaching professionals |
241 |
Personnel and careers professionals |
242 |
Legal professionals |
243 |
Information and associate professionals |
244 |
Social and associate sciences professionals |
245 |
Literature and arts professionals |
246 |
Religious professionals |
311 |
Physical and engineering science technicians |
312 |
Computer equipment technicians |
313 |
Electronics engineering technicians |
314 |
Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians |
315 |
Process control technicians |
321 |
Life science technicians |
322 |
Medical technicians |
323 |
Nursing and midwifery associate professionals |
331 |
Primary school teachers(technicians) |
332 |
Early childhood teachers (technicians) |
341 |
Financial and sales branch workers |
342 |
Sales and purchasing agents |
343 |
Administrative workers |
344 |
State services workers |
345 |
Police inspectors and detectives |
346 |
Social technicians |
347 |
Sports, recreation and cultural centre technicians |
411 |
Keyboard operators and secretaries |
412 |
Data processing operators |
413 |
Material-recording and transport clerks |
414 |
Library, mail carriers and sorting clerks |
421 |
Tellers, money collectors and related clerks |
422 |
Client information workers |
429 |
Clerical support workers not elsewhere classified |
511 |
Travel attendants, conductors and guides |
512 |
Cooks |
513 |
Waiters and bartenders |
514 |
Personal services workers |
516 |
Citizens and ownership protective services workers |
522 |
Shop salespersons, Sales demonstrators |
523 |
Stall and market salespersons |
531 |
Workers of gas supply services in towns and settlements |
532 |
Water supply and sewerage services workers |
534 |
Electricity supply services workers |
539 |
Services and sales workers not elsewhere classified |
611 |
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers, tree,vegetable and field crop growers |
612 |
Livestock and dairy producers |
613 |
Mixed crop and animal producers |
614 |
Forestry and related workers |
615 |
Fishery workers, hunters and trappers |
711 |
Building frame and related trades workers |
712 |
Building finishers and related trades workers |
713 |
Spray painters and varnishers |
721 |
Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders and related workers |
722 |
Blacksmiths, toolmakers and related trades workers |
723 |
Machinery mechanics and repairers |
724 |
Electrical and electronic trades workers, Electrical equipment installers and repairers |
731 |
Precision-instrument makers and repairers |
732 |
Glass and ceramics plant operators |
733 |
Metal, wood, textile and other material products makers and repairers |
734 |
Printing trades workers |
741 |
Food processing workers |
742 |
Wood treaters |
743 |
Garment trades workers |
744 |
Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers |
752 |
Communication workers |
759 |
Craft and related trades workers not elsewhere classified |
811 |
Mining and mineral processing plant operators |
812 |
Metal finishing, plating and coating machine operators |
815 |
Chemical products plant and machine operators |
816 |
Power plant and networks operators |
821 |
Mining and mineral processing plant operators |
826 |
Textile, fur and leather products machine operators |
827 |
Food and related products machine operators |
828 |
Assemblers |
831 |
Locomotive engine drivers and related workers |
832 |
Car, van and motorcycle drivers |
833 |
Heavy truck and lorry drivers |
839 |
Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classified |
911 |
Street and related sales and service workers |
912 |
Shoeblack and street other service workers |
913 |
Domestic, hotel and office cleaners and helpers |
914 |
Window cleaners |
915 |
Messengers, package deliverers and luggage porters |
916 |
Garbage and recycling collectors |
921 |
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers |
931 |
Mining and construction labourers |
932 |
Manufacturing labourers |
933 |
Transport and storage labourers |
990 |
Other |
998 |
Unknown |
999 |
NIU (not in universe) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.