Literal question
58. What type of lighting has the housing unit?
[] 1 Electricity (Meter, private)
[] 2 Electricity (Meter, shared)
[] 3 Masho (storm lantern)
[] 4 Lantern
[] 5 Kerosene lamp
[] 6 Other (Specify) ____
Interviewer instructions
Column 58: What source of lighting facility does the house have?
The source of light the house has will be asked and based on the response one of the options given below is identified and circled. The code selected will be entered in column 58 card column 50.
1 = Electricity (Meter, private)
2 = Electricity (Meter, shared)
3 = Masho (storm lantern)
4 = Lantern
5 = Kerosene lamp
6 = Other (Specify) ____