Literal question
Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11 only, for the first household.
[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]
9. What is the main source of water used to drink by this household?
[] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water outside the dwelling
[] 3 Water from fountain
[] 4 Water from well/ covered borehole with hand pump
[] 5 Water from well/ covered borehole without hand pump
[] 6 River/ Lake water
[] 7 Rain water
[] 8 Bottled water
[] 9 Other
Interviewer instructions
E9. What is the main source of water used to drink by this household?
The Question refers to the main source of water used to drink.
Read the Question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the response. Mark an X in the number that corresponds to the response. There can be only one response.
Be aware of the following definitions:
Piped water inside the dwelling: when the connection to water is found inside the dwelling with one or more faucets (e.g. in the kitchen, bathroom);
Piped water outside the dwelling: when the connection to water is found outside the dwelling but within the property, or when water is brought from the neighbor's;
Water from fountain: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from a water fountain. Fountains may have one or more faucets and are usually made of cement;
Water from well/ covered borehole with hand pump: when the dwelling is supplied with subsoil water which is brought upwards by a hand pump. The well or borehole are protected/covered;
Water from well without hand pump: when the water supply of a dwelling comes from an uncovered well;
River/ Lake water: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from a river, lake or similar sources, regardless of how it is stored or distributed in the dwelling;
Rain water: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from rain water;
Bottled water: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from mineral water which is bottled in plastic or glass vessels.
Other: refers to other to other sources not included in the previous categories, such as spring water.