Literal question
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]
For peopled aged 5+ only.
23. What level of education does (the person) attend or, if no longer studying, the highest level they have attended.
[] 1 Literacy
[] 2 Primary School (1st ? 5th grade)
[] 3 Primary School (6th ? 7th grade)
[] 4 General Secondary School ? 1st Cycle (8th ? 10th grade)
[] 5 General Secondary School ? 2nd Cycle (11th ? 12th grade)
[] 6 Elementary Technical School
[] 7 Basic Technical School
[] 8 Upper Technical School
[] 9 Primary Teacher Training Course
[] 10 Higher Education
24. Has [the person] completed the level indicated in the previous question?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No- Go to question 26
Interviewer instructions
For people aged 5+ only
P23. What level of education does (the person) attend or, if no longer studying, the highest level they have attended.
This Question should be responded by those who answered 1 or 2 in P22. For example, Mr. Taibo attends Upper Technical School, mark an X in box number 8.
If the Person responded 1 for P22 (Is currently attending school) they should indicate what level it is.
If the Person responded 2 for P22 (has attended school) they should indicate the highest level they have attended, even if incomplete. For example, Mrs. Maria attended College but did not finish it. You should mark an X in box number 10: Higher Education.
Be aware that you should include:
In Literacy all persons who attended literacy courses taught by institutions of the Ministry of Education, companies, religious institutions, etc.
In Primary Teacher Training Course all persons who attended teacher training courses at the Primary level only. Those who attended teacher training courses at college level should be included in alternative 10 of P23.
For persons who studied abroad, the level of education should be set within those established in this country.
For Higher Education you should include all persons who attend or have attended any course at a Higher level, either in or out of the country. For example, you should include within this category those who attend or have attended:
[Illustration with list of institutions is omitted]
In the Census we will find people who attended different educational systems. SEE THE LAST PAGE OF THE ENUMERATION FORM to check the equivalence in relation to the actual system.
P24. Has (the person) completed the level indicated in the previous question?
All persons who responded to P23 should indicate whether they have or not competed the level declared. If the response is (Yes), mark an X in 1 and go to P25. Otherwise, mark 2 (No) and go to P26.