Literal question
[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]
For people aged 7+ only
26. What activity did (the person) do in the last week of July, this year?
[] 1 Worked- Go to question 28
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job- Go to question 28
[] 3 Helped a relative- Go to question 28
[] 4 Looked for a new job- Go to question 28
[] 5 Domestic - Go to question 27
[] 6 Looked for a job for the first time- Go to question 32
[] 7 Served the FADM- Go to question 32
[] 8 Studied only- Go to question 32
[] 9 Retired/reserve- Go to question 32
[] 10 Was unable to work
[] 11 Other ____
31. How many hours a day did [the person] work in the last week of July (25-31), this year? _ _
Interviewer instructions
Questions to people aged 7+ only
P31. How many hours a day did (the person) work in the last week of July (25-31), this year?
You should indicate the number of hours a day the person worked in the last week of July (2531) this year. The number of hours worked is used to identify the employed population according to the number of hours worked and the analyses of employment concerning the hours spent at work.
NOTE: In the estimate of hours worked you should take into consideration the time when the person's working hours start and finish. Therefore, the hours worked will be the result of the difference between the start and finish times of the activity in one day.
Be aware that:
Work refers to any activity aimed at the production of goods and services for self-consumption or for the market. Persons can perform their activities in various ways, such as: persons who work for others, employers, self-employed workers, family workers, etc.;
If the respondent has more than one occupation, they should count the hours devoted to the main activity.