Literal question
Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.
5. Say whether at 12:00a.m. of August 1, 1997 in this household, (the person) was a/an:
[] 1 Permanent resident
[] 2 Absent resident
[] 3 Visitor
Interviewer instructions
P5. Say whether at 12:00A.M. of August 1, 2007 in this household, (the person) was a/an:
This Question is intended to verify the number of residents in the household, either present or absent, and also the number of visitors on the night of August 1, 2007. Read the Question and each of the alternatives for the answer (present resident, absent resident or visitor).
Be aware that:
You should consider as Present Residents the following cases:
All the persons who stayed in the household on the reference night, either or not present at the interview
Persons who did not stay in their houses on the reference night due to work, or because they were at a party or club.
All persons who, due to work, did not stay in their house on the reference night (Taxi drivers, Police Officers, Doctors, Nurses, Guards, as well as EDM, ADM and other institutions' Picket workers).
You should NOT consider as Present Residents
Persons who stayed in the household on the reference night, but do not usually live there, either or not present at the interview. They should be classified as Visitors.
You should consider as Absent Residents the following example:
A person who has not stayed in their usual residence on the reference night for they were temporarily abroad or out of their dwelling, as long as it was for a period of time equals to or less than 6 months, but intends to return.
You should NOT consider as Absent Residents cases like the following:
A polygamous man who stayed in one of his wives' house on the reference night, but was in another wife's house at the moment of the interview. He should be interviewed in the place where he stayed on the reference night as a Present Resident regardless of being or not present at the moment of the interview
You should consideras Visitors persons who do not usually reside in the household, but stayed there on the reference night, even if they are not present at the interview.
Be aware that this Question admits only one response.
For persons residing in Living Quarters you should consider the following situations:
If at the interview the students and others are on vacation in the dwelling where they lived in before going to the living quarters, they should be enumerated as Present Residents of that dwelling.
The students and others who, at the interview, are present at the Living Quarter should be enumerated as Present Residents of that living quarter.
In case the household declares they have one of its members living a Living Quarter, that member should not be enumerated in the household.
Students and others who are involved in the works of the 2007 Census far from their residence area should be enumerated as Visitors in the site where they are working and as Absent Residents in the living quarters where they usually reside. In this case, they should leave all the information about them with the head of the living quarter so that they can be enumerated.