Unlike LFS, the main distinction in MAS is between employed and not employed
Employed: refers to those who, during the reference period, experienced any employment (any type or any extent) - even just one occasional hour of paid work or irregular unpaid family work (ILO definition).
Not employed: The rationale is that the individuals do not generally spend their time being unemployed, but use the unemployment time to participate in other activities (e.g, attending school or being a housewife). Unemployment will generally be considered the primary activity only if the individual states that unemployment is his/her primary activity (e.g, unemployed and actively searching for a job) or if the individual is registered as unemployed and does not indicate significant participation in any other activity. In these cases, the individuals, will be assigned their own category among the Not employed
Accordingly, Not employed is classified into:
* Unemployed individuals who are not employed comprise all who are not in employment but currently available to take up employment and carry out activities to seek employment, and who report that they are unemployed.
* Not in Labor Force/Inactive- individuals identifiable as being neither employed nor unemployed, by the definitions above. If possible, the inactive category should distinguish between the retired, students, homemakers, pensioners, etc.
Those reported pensioners in the raw data are aged 64 years or younger, while all those aged 65 years or older are coded "above 65 years and not working", thus pensioners aged 65 years or older cannot be identified.
608 cases are reported students in the reason for which they do not desire/ready to work, while they are not coded enrolled at the time of the survey in the education enrollment status variable. No changes were done for those cases, they might not be still enrolled at the time of the survey but plan to get enrolled therefore that are not willing to start worki