In many datasets, national classifications are used to code the detailed data collected. In such cases, if the aggregated data is provided by the statistical office, no attempt to correct the original variable is done.
The category "Wholesale and retail trade" includes the repair activities of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
The category "Real estate, administrative, professional and support service activities" includes: Real estate, renting and business activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; in addition to administrative and support service activities.
For those employed but temporary unpaid (MAS_D=130), all main job characteristics were recoded "not stated" since they did not effectively start working.
As stated in the methodology provided with the dataset from CAPMAS, the economic activity variable's codes were recoded based on the economic activity classification index issued in 2007 which is consistent with the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities- Revision 4 (ISIC-4)