Interviewer instructions
This question deals with the type of toilet facility available for selected dwelling units. The instruction to the enumerator is to ask for the main toilet used by the household, even if there is more than one in the selected dwelling. The households who use either one of Options 2 to 6, should skip to Q5.24.
For households without any toilet facility, there is a skip instruction to Q5.27.
Question post text
1 = Flush toilet connected to a public sewerage system
2 = Flush toilet connected to a septic tank - Go to Q5.24
3 = Chemical toilet - Go to Q5.24
4 = Pit latrine/toilet with ventilation pipe - Go to Q5.24
5 = Pit latrine/toilet without ventilation pipe - Go to Q5.24
6 = Bucket toilet (collected by municipality) - Go to Q5.24
7 = Bucket toilet (emptied by household) - Go to Q5.24
8 = Ecological Sanitation System - Go to Q5.24
9 = None - Go to Q 5.27
10 = Other (specify) - Go to Q 5.24