Literal question
During the current school year, what problems, if any, did …… experience at the educational institution he/she attended? Exclude those in distance education. Read all the options; use the codes below
a = Lack of books b = Poor quality of teaching c = Lack of teachers d = Facilities in bad condition e = Fees too high f = Classes too large/too many learners g = Teachers are often absent from school
h = Teachers were involved in a strike i = Other (specify in the box below)
Interviewer instructions
The reference period in this question is very important. It is specified that the problems related to the educational institution should have occurred during the past 6 months. This is a multiple-response question; therefore each option has to be read to the respondent. For any response that is not pre-coded, the related problem can be specified under the option 'Other'. None of the codes should be left blank. The answer should be either 'Yes' or 'No'.