Literal question
Does … receive a (n)……?
Answer for each person who qualified for the grant and NOT for the person who applied on behalf of/physically receives the money. Someone who used to work for the Government and receive a pension do not get an old-age grant
Read all the options
1 = Old-age grant (60-74; R1350; 75+; R1370)
2 = Disability grant (18-59; R1350)
3 = Child support grant (0-17; R315)
4 = Care dependency grant (0-17; R1350)
5 = Foster care grant (<22; R830)
6 = War veterans grant (60+; R1370)
7 = Grant-in-aid (R320 and should have another grant)
8 = Social relief of distress
Interviewer instructions
This question is for individuals who said 'Yes' in Q3.1a and is aimed at establishing exactly which grants someone is receiving. The survey officers were instructed to read all the options to the respondent. The guidelines in brackets indicate the qualifying age ranges, as well as the size of the grant to help respondents identify the type of the grant better.
If the answer is option 1 or options 4-8, skip to Q3.4. If the answer is option 3, skip to Q3.3; otherwise continue.