Value |
Category |
Accountant |
Acting manager |
Bookkeeper |
Boss |
Business manager |
Chief coordinator |
Chief executive officer |
Chief financial officer |
Chief of accounting department |
Chief of sales |
Company manager |
Deputy director |
Deputy executive director |
Director |
Director of legal dept. |
Executive director |
Executive director-Owner |
Financial and businesses director |
Founder of enterprise |
Founder-director |
General manager |
Head clerk |
Head of administration |
Head of financial operations |
Hotel manager |
Manager |
Manager of accounting department |
Marketing director and customer care |
Owner |
Owner-Executive director |
Owner-executive officer |
Production manager |
Representative |
Sales director |
Sales manager |
Sales specialist |
ales manager |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.