Value |
Category |
after selling my crops |
association |
credit |
fishing |
husband |
i will get that money after trading |
i will have agreement in oder to pay back |
i'm going to harvest |
in my assisting association |
money from my trading |
my husband |
my retirement savings |
sell cashew nuts |
sell cassava to face up a challenge |
sell my crops |
sell my crops to face up challenges |
sell my crops urgently to solve a problem |
sell my properties |
sell some crops from my plantation |
selling crops |
selling of cattle |
take loan |
the main buyer of cocoa |
through the selling of cattle |
through tontine |
to borrow from a friend or a member of my family |
to borrow from association YAYASSO |
to borrow from the buyer of my crops |
to borrow money from the buyer of my crops |
to brorrow from my association |
to do a handwork |
to get loan from association |
to go and see their association |
to mortage my farm |
to sell one's crops and ask for help |
to take from association |
we are in harvest period so i will get it |
work as handworker in others plantations |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.