Value |
Category |
0 |
4k water project |
KARI borehole |
bohehole that is managed by the landlord |
borehole from KARI |
both council water and borehole |
brough by a lorry |
brought for us by a lorry |
buy water from a personal private water vendors |
cdf |
company's water |
council water company that sells services to the landlord who sell the same services to the households |
eldowas |
embu water and sanitation company |
ewaaco |
ewasco |
ewasco water and sanitation company |
ewaso |
gindara nduri water project |
his borehole |
its owned by the landlord and it serves the tenants at a smaller amount |
its ownedby the landlord and supplied to to the tenants |
kapingazi water company |
kiaga multi purpose cooperative dociety |
maruba water project |
muthatari water project |
muthatsri water project |
nawasco |
nawassco |
ngandori nginda |
ngandori nginda water project |
ngandori nginda wster project |
ngandori water project |
ngatundori water project |
ngenda ngandori water project |
njukiri water project |
own |
owned by landlord |
owned by somebody who provide water to the people in the neighbourhood |
owner of the house has sunk |
piped connection from the lake |
piped supply from the lake |
piped water from the lake |
private owned by Dr mwangi |
private owner who sells to to the neighbours |
private water sellers |
private water vendor |
rubiri water company |
rubiri water supply |
rufiru |
supplied by a orivate supplier who has dug the borehole and uses the generator to pump water 'to his clients |
tap water |
the owner of the buiding has sunk the borehole |
the owners borehole water |
wasco |
water board |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.