Value |
Category |
'kuni' or firewood from my farm trees |
0 |
Don't cook |
Fire wood |
Fire wood fetched from the bush |
Firewood |
Sawdust |
biogass |
both charcoal and gas |
both charcoal and kerosene |
both charcoal and paraffin |
both gas and charcoal |
both gas charcoal |
both paraffin and charcoal |
charcoal |
charcoal and firewood |
charcoal anf firewood |
colleting from bush |
doesnt cook |
dont cook eat in hotel |
dug mixed with charcoal |
fierwood |
fire food |
fire wood |
fire wopd |
firewod |
firewood |
firewood that they pick they do not buy |
firewood and charcoal |
firewood and sonetimes maize stalks and cobs for previous harvest |
firewood collected from the farm |
firewood collected within or bought from the forest and sold by ventors at ksh 50 per head/bundle |
firewood from prunnings in the compound |
firewood from the compound and maize stalks from previous harvest |
firewood picked inside the compound and at neighbour's |
firewood,charcoal and gas |
firewood. |
firewoodp |
firr wood |
firrwood |
firwood |
fite wood |
fitewood |
forewood |
from the prunings from the trees around |
furewood from my farm |
generator |
girr wood |
he doesnt cook,he depends on goodwill neighbours |
kerosene and charcoal |
kuni(pieces of wood) |
mugendi does not cook |
not dnt buy we just collect from bush |
own fetched firewood |
rewood |
saw dust |
sawdust |
she makes her own charcoal balls from a mixture of sand and ash |
sow dust |
use firewood |
use kuni or firewood |
uses firewood |
we just collect firewood |
wood |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.