Value |
Category |
allergy or convultions |
ask about breastfeeding |
ask about stool and urine |
auscultation of heart and lungs |
auscultation of heart and lungs and mouth |
auscultation of heat, check the breast of mother |
auscultation of lungs |
blood in stool |
breastfeeding |
breastfeeding, examine mouth, abdomen |
breastfeeding, examine throat |
caugh |
check reflexes |
check reflexes and examine throat |
check reflexes and skin |
check the breastfeeding |
convulsions |
convulsions, diarrhea, frontanelle, eyes |
diarrhea and high temperature |
diarrhea and vomiting |
examine abdomen |
examine abdomen and auscultation of heart and lung |
examine abdomen and lympatic nodes |
examine abdomen and mouth |
examine eyes and mouth |
examine eyes and mouth and nose |
examine heart |
examine heart and lungs |
examine heartbeat |
examine legs |
examine lungs |
examine lungs and heart |
examine mouth |
examine mouth and abdomen |
examine mouth and skin |
examine oropharynx |
examine oropharynx and breastfeeding |
examine skin and eyes |
examine skin and throat |
examine the breast of mother |
examine the child, check the breastfeeding |
examine the stool and skin |
examine throat |
examine throat and abdomen |
examine throat and diarrhea |
examine throat, check temperature |
examine throoat and ears |
exmaine mouth |
eyes |
family doctor consultation |
gemeral examination |
general condition, development, caugh,abdomen, heartbeat |
greeting, aks about complaints |
had diarrhea and vomiting, convultions, throat, ausultation, abdomen palpation |
had the child caugh, if the child was not fallen |
heatbeat, weight after birth, breastfeeding, diarrhea, skin |
history of pregnancy, vomiting, diarrhea, heartbeat, lungs |
how long does this condition last |
how long the child is having high temperature |
how the child is urinating |
how the child was born |
if the child had diarrhea |
if the child had diarrhea and caugh |
if the child had diarrhea and vomiting |
if the child had diarrhea, examine throat |
if the child had high temperature |
if the child had high temperature and diarrhea |
if the child had high temperature, sleep and reflexes |
if the child had jaundice |
if the child had vomiting, diarrhea, examine mouth, heartbeat |
if the child was vaccinated |
if the house is warm |
muscle stiffness |
nutrition |
nutrition of mother, examine the abdomen |
pulse |
sleep |
sleep and eyes |
sleeping |
stool and diarrhea |
test the milk |
urination and vaccination |
vomiting |
vomiting and neusea |
vomiting, examine abdomen, pulse |
vomiting, stool, urine |
weight after birth |
weight, height, nutrition, abdomen and stool |
where the child was born |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.