Value |
Category |
accntng head |
acconting head |
acconting/admin head |
account executive |
account head |
account officer |
accountant |
accountant head |
accountant manager |
accountant; finance head |
accounting |
accounting administration |
accounting and admin head |
accounting and finance manager |
accounting assistant |
accounting assistant head |
accounting assistant manager |
accounting asst. manager |
accounting clerk |
accounting clerk / supervisor |
accounting head |
accounting head manager |
accounting head supervisor |
accounting in charge |
accounting manager |
accounting officer |
accounting sales manager |
accounting staff |
accounting staff operator |
accounting supervisor |
accounting supervisor / human resources (hr) head |
accounting supervisor/hr head |
accounting team leader |
accounting/ admin head |
acctg. admin |
acctg. manager |
acounting head |
admimistration managet |
admin |
admin & finance officer |
admin and finance manager |
admin and finance officer |
admin and operations manager |
admin head |
admin manager |
admin officer |
admin personnel head |
admin staff |
admin supervisor |
admin. assistant |
admin. asst. |
admin. supervisor |
admin/ hr manager |
admin/hr manager |
administration assistant |
administration assistant manager |
administration finance manager |
administration head |
administration human resources (hr) manager |
administration maanger |
administration manager |
administration manager/co-owner |
administration officer |
administration sales |
administration sales supervisor |
administration secretary |
administration supervisor |
administrative manager |
administrative / hr manager |
administrative and finance manager |
administrative assistant head |
administrative department head |
administrative head |
administrative manager |
administrative officer |
administrative officer and corporate director |
administrative officer staff |
administrative personnel |
administrative senior manager |
administrative staff |
administrative/finance manager |
area manager |
assisant general manager |
assistant finance manager |
assistant gen. manager |
assistant general manager |
assistant general manager and treasurer |
assistant head operation |
assistant hr/admin manager |
assistant human resources (hr) manager |
assistant manager |
assistant manager of the company |
assistant officer |
assistant production manager |
assistant production section head |
assistant purchasing manager |
assistant secretary |
assistant store manager |
assistant store supervisor |
assistant supervisor |
assistsnt general manager |
assisyant general manager |
assitant general manager |
assitant manager |
asst. personnel |
asst. store manager |
asst.general manager |
book keeper |
bookkeeper |
branch head |
branch manager |
branch supervisor |
brand manager |
business development manager |
ceo |
ceo/ president |
chairman |
chairman/president of the company |
chief accountant |
chief executive officer |
chief executive officer (ceo) / president |
chief manager |
chief of staff |
chief operating officer |
chief operation officer |
chief producton manager |
co-owner |
co-owner / shareholder |
company representative |
company supervisor |
compliance officer |
consultant |
corporate auditor/manager |
corporate communication manager |
corporate secretary |
corporation communication assistant |
corporation supervisor |
cost analyst staff |
costing engineer |
counter manager |
credit and collection head |
credit and collection head |
credit officer |
customer service supervisor |
cylinder controller |
deputy branch manager |
designer supervisor |
director operation |
director sales and marketing (iu) |
directors for sale and operations |
division manager |
encoder |
engineer |
exec. secretary |
execuive secretary |
executive assistant |
executive secretary |
executive vice president |
export manager |
export manager/owner |
exporting manager |
external bookeeper |
factory manager |
factory supervisor |
father of the owner |
finace manager |
finance and accounting head |
finance and administration head |
finance and administrative manager |
finance assistant |
finance head |
finance manager |
finance officer |
finance supervisor |
financial controller |
financial, purchasing and liasons manager |
front desk agent |
front head officer |
gen. manager |
gen. manager/owner |
gen.affairs mgr. |
gen.manager |
gen.manager/ co owner |
gen.mgr. |
general manager |
general manager / part owner |
general manager/chef |
general manager/owner |
general manager/son of the owner |
general mgr. |
general supervisor |
graphical head artist |
graphics supervisor/admin |
he oic |
head admin |
head supervisor |
head- treasury and administration |
hiring and training manager |
hotel manager |
hr head |
hr -oic |
hr admin manager |
hr administrative supervisor |
hr and administrative assistant manager |
hr and finance manager |
hr assistant |
hr assistant head |
hr assistant manager |
hr assistant officer |
hr assitant manger |
hr associate |
hr associates |
hr asst. mgr. |
hr finance head acting as general manager |
hr general officer |
hr head |
hr head assistant |
hr in charge |
hr manager |
hr manager assistant |
hr officer |
hr senior staff |
hr specialist |
hr staff |
hr supervisor |
hr. asst |
hr/ admin staff |
hr/admin manager |
hrd clerk |
human reources (hr) coordinator |
human resource (hr) administrative manager |
human resources ( hr ) manager |
human resources ( hr) and administrative head |
human resources (hr) administrative |
human resources (hr) assistant |
human resources (hr) assistant manager |
human resources (hr) assistant officer |
human resources (hr) assistant personel manager |
human resources (hr) head |
human resources (hr) head supervisor |
human resources (hr) manager |
human resources (hr) manager to go group inc |
human resources (hr) officer |
human resources (hr) staff |
human resources development head |
human resources development head (hrd head) |
human resources officer |
import / export incharge |
import and export manager |
import manager |
inhouse business consultant/analyst |
it executive |
it manager |
learning / planning development specialist |
liason officer |
liason officer/ consutant |
logistic manager |
management information system (mis) supervisor |
manager |
manager in-charge |
manager of the company |
manager plant |
manager/ceo |
manager/owner |
managing director |
managing supervisor |
marketing coordinator |
marketing head |
marketing manager |
marketing specialist |
marketing supervisor |
office administrator |
office assistant manager |
office clerk |
office in charge / secretary |
office staff |
officer in charge |
officer in charge / secretary |
officer in charge/ sales supervisor |
officer in-charge |
oic |
one of the owner |
one of the owner / president |
one of the owner of the company |
one of the owners |
operatin manager |
operating supervisor |
operation assistant |
operation branch manager |
operation manager |
operation manager, admin executive |
operation manger |
operation oic |
operation plant manager |
operation supervisor |
operation vice president |
operation's manager |
operational manager |
operations / production manager |
operations assistant manager |
operations director |
operations in charge |
operations manager |
operations supervisor |
outlet supervisor |
over all incharge |
overall in charge |
owner |
owner / president |
owner of the company |
owner of the establishment |
owner/ manager |
owner/manager |
owner/president |
owners |
p.c.o./ admin head |
part owner |
part-owner |
part-owner/finance manager |
payroll officer |
payroll staff |
peronnel manager |
personal assistant |
personal officer |
personel manager |
personnel admin/lgfw manager |
personnel and admin/ lfgw manager |
personnel assistant |
personnel officer |
personnel/legal manager |
plant manager |
plant manager/ one of the owner |
plant operation in charge |
plant supervisor |
pollution chief officer (pco) / administrative head |
pollution control officer |
president |
president & general manager |
president and controller |
president of the company |
president of tne company |
president/ part owner |
president/ceo |
president/coo |
president/gen.mgr. |
president/gen.mngr. |
president/managing director |
process engineer |
production assistant manager |
production engineer |
production head |
production manager |
production supervisor |
production,planning & control manager |
proprietor/manager |
purchase manager |
purchasing head |
purchasing manager |
purchasing officer |
purchasing staff |
purchasing supervisor |
quality assurance manager |
quality control supervisor |
receptionist |
research and development ; production supervisor |
restaurant administrative coordinator |
restaurant manager |
restaurant supervisor |
sale operation manager |
sales and marketing head |
sales and marketing manager |
sales and purchasing manager |
sales assistant |
sales engineer |
sales head |
sales manager |
sales officer |
sales secretary |
sales staff |
sales supervisor |
sales supervisor & pocurment officer |
secretary |
senior accountant supervisor |
senior accounting manager |
senior accounting supervisor |
senior manager |
senior manager for supply chain |
senior operation director |
senior section head finance manager |
senior vice president |
senior vice president - operations |
senior vice president for operations |
senior vice president of operation |
senior vice president-operations |
service manager |
shipping coordinator |
shipping manager |
shipyard administrator assistant |
son of the owner ( assistant manager) |
sr. accounting & buget manager |
sr. accounting and budget manager |
stock manager |
store chief manager |
store manager |
store supervisor |
supervisor |
supervisor of restaurant |
team leader/asst. manager |
top general associate |
top manager |
top manager/ co owner |
treasury supervisor |
vice general manager |
vice president |
vice president and general manager |
vice president finance |
vice president for business operation |
vice president for finance |
vice president for production |
vice president for sales & marketing |
vice president of administration |
vice president technical services |
vice president/ gen.manager |
vice president/part owner |
vp administrator |
vp marketing |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.