Value |
Category |
accountant |
accounting |
accounting administration officer ii |
accounting manager |
accounting officer |
accounting staff |
acctg.manager |
admin assistant |
admin manager |
admin officer |
administration staff subordinate |
assistant accounting manager |
assistant manager |
assistant operations manager |
book keeper |
finance head |
finance manager |
finance officer |
head cashier |
hr assistant |
hr manager |
hr officer |
human resources (hr) assistant manager |
human resources (hr) department head |
human resources (hr) manager |
manager |
manager staff |
office clerk |
operation manager |
president |
production manager |
production supervisor |
qesh manager (quality) |
sales supervisor |
secretary |
secrtary |
vice president |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.