Value |
Category |
1 |
Don?t have to buy because manage with what have already ( |
2 |
Use money from other sources of income |
3 |
Use savings |
4 |
Sell crops/livestock/other produce to get money |
5 |
Get money in advance from buyer to whom we sell our crop/liv |
6 |
Get from a supplier or distributor and pay later |
7 |
Loan from a bank |
8 |
Loan from an Umurenge SACCO |
9 |
Loan from a non-Umurenge SACCO or a MFI |
10 |
Loan from a farmers association |
11 |
Borrow from a community/savings group where we save and lend |
12 |
Borrow from a money lender in the community |
13 |
Borrow from friends and/or family |
14 |
Don?t buy inputs - get inputs in exchange for goods or labou |
15 |
Other (Specify) |
16 |
Don?t know |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.