Return Migration Survey 2013
Name | Country code |
Albania | ALB |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
The survey on “Return Migration and Reintegration in Albania, 2013” is the outcome of a fruitful cooperation between the Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) and the Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This survey which analyzes the main characteristics of the return migration and reintegration of the returned migrants is the first of its kind in Albania. INSTAT and IOM have conducted this in-depth study to achieve a more comprehensive picture on the phenomenon of return migration in the wake of the economic and financial crisis of 2009. INSTAT and IOM joined their efforts to undertake a national survey not only to better measure the return migration phenomenon in Albania but also to orient the services provided for the returnees’ reintegration.
This study aims at enlightening the various factors that affect their reintegration in Albania. The study conducted through a national level survey in September-October 2013 suggests that the return migration phenomenon has assumed significant size, particularly after 2009; therefore, the resolving of the problems and the emigrants’ reintegration are the challenges of the Albanian society. Hence, the civil society, the policy makers, the international organizations, the local and national administrative structures, the academic and university community will get hereby a useful tool to understand the problems of migration by contributing to an efficient approach for the reintegration of emigrants into the society. The specific objectives of the survey are:
• To profile return migration to Albania, push and pull factors, characteristics of returning migrants;
• To collect information on migrants’ experiences and perceptions of reintegration in Albania;
• To formulate several recommendations for further research on return migration as well as the provision of services that facilitate the reintegration of returnees.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01
The scope of this study includes:
Family Composition
Part 1: Situation in the country of origin (Albania) prior to departure
A1. Place of birth
B: Education prior to departure
C: Professional and financial situation prior to departure
D: Family composition prior to departure
E: Reasons for leaving Albania
F: Departure from Albania
Part 2 : Experience in the last country of immigration
G: Accompanying people
H: Reasons for choosing the last country of immigration and support networks
I: Relation with institutions in last country of immigration
J: Composition of the family in the last country
K: Training in the last country of stay
L: Professional and financial situation in the last country of emigration
M: Links with the country of origin during the last year of staying abroad
Part 3.Return to the country of origin (Albania)
N: Return
O: Reasons and factors affecting the return
P: Composition of the current family
Q: Training after returning to Albania
R: Current employment and financial situation in Albania
S: Reintegration
T: Links with the last country of stay
National coverage
The survey found out that a total of 133, 544 Albanian citizens of the age segment 18- above returned to Albania in the period 2009-2013.
Name | Affiliation |
Institute of Statistics of Albania | Republic of Albania |
The sample size for a particular survey is determined by the accuracy required for the survey estimates for each domain, as well as by the resource and operational constraints. The accuracy of the survey results depends on both the sampling error, which can be measured through variance estimation, and the non-sampling error from all other sources, such as response and other measurement errors, coding and data entry errors. It is important to emphasize that INSTAT recognizes that the sample size of a particular survey is determined by the accuracy required for the national level estimates, as well influenced by logistical issues related to the organization and size of the teams, and the workload for survey administration and data collection. Considering all of these factors, calculations suggested that a sample size of 2000 individuals would give sufficient power to meet the study objectives. When multi-stage sampling is used, the design effect mostly measures the impact of the level of clustering on the sampling efficiency. The design effect depends on the number of sample individuals selected in each stratum. The sample size for
The study consisted in a cross-sectional population-based household survey conducted at a national level across each of the 12 prefectures in Albania. A stratified sample designed was used for selecting the individual for sampling. The primary sampling units (PSUs) selected at the first stage are the enumeration areas (EAs), which are small operational areas defined on maps for the 2011 Census enumeration. To control coverage errors, which make the sample less representative, the sampling frame must be of an optimum quality during all the stages of selections. At the first stage, the EA must cover all the areas inhabited by the population under study, without omission or duplication. The boundaries of the EA must be clearly defined and subject to easy identification in the field. SAS software was used at this stage to systematically select the sample of (EAs) with probability proportion to size (PPS) within each prefecture. The second stage of selection dealt with household lists from the selected EAs. The list of households enumerated in the 2011 Census for each sample EA was used as the sampling with equal probability. The third stage of selection was the individual selection in the pre-selected household. The advantages of this two-stage selection procedure are:
The goal was to generate a sample of households that would allow for the production of statistically reliable estimates of the nature and extent of return migration to Albania and reintegration needs of returnees at the national level, and would allow for urban versus rural comparisons.
The survey also found that the majority of responses (55%) indicate that employment opportunities should be allocated to enable smooth return and reintegration processes. Financial incentives (25%) were also perceived as important, as well as professional training programs (6%).
In view of the relatively small sample size, accuracy is very important. Estimates in some subgroups are relatively inaccurate with big coefficients of variation. Supposing that the design effect for small proportions is close to deff = 1, in calculating coefficients of variation we can use formulas for simple random sampling.
Similar conclusions can be used in calculating estimates for the population. In publishing estimates the following criteria for accuracy were taken into consideration:
The questionnaire was structured along three main migratory stages:
The survey was conducted through a structured questionnaire. In line with the objectives of the survey, the contents of the questionnaire were geared towards collecting the amount of necessary information on the following issues:
Start | End |
2013 | 2013 |
Start date | End date |
2013-09-16 | 2013-10-14 |
Data collection was conducted from 16 September to 14 October 2013 using a nationally representative sample of almost 2000 individuals. The survey was based on the face to face method of interviewing and was conducted through CAPI technology (computer assisted personal interviewing). Using CAPI dramatically reduces the time lag between data collection and data analysis, because manual coding of the responses recorded with pen and paper is no longer necessary and data validation is done at the time of data collection. The testing phase was necessary to optimize the administration of the questionnaire in order to minimize all the logical and physical errors that program may contain. The standard program for data collection was developed in CSProX and data processing using SPSS 17. After all data processing steps were completed, the survey results were tabulated using SPSS 17 package. The tabulations were then thoroughly checked for consistency of data, titles, inputs, concepts, as well as the figures there in.
The questionnaire extensively applied the Cassarino’ model, consisting in a three-stage approach to migration, developed and applied by the Robert Schuman Center4. The model was adjusted to optimize its efficacy in its application in the field in Albania, as well as to facilitate the electronic data entry and verification. Additional questions were also introduced by INSTAT and IOM to collect more specific information on the process of reintegration of returnees in Albania. The questionnaire comprised of close-ended questions as well as the open-ended questions, particularly regarding the occupations and field of economic activity. The modality “other” was also introduced for some of the questions to gather additional information as necessary.
Multiple-choice entries were included in various questions; with the dual structure (Yes/No answers) being the most often used one. This configuration was chosen in order to facilitate the ensuing data processing. In addition, this enabled proper recording of some complex issues, such as the family composition, the occupational class and sectors and the types of investments. On various occasions the interviewees were asked to classify responses by order of priority their replies, particularly regarding the return motivations. Filter questions were used in the questionnaire to highlight the variety of the migratory experiences and the manifold patterns of reintegration. The Eurostat nomenclature of country codes was used and the occupational ISCO codes have been simplified for the purposes of the survey. In view of the relatively small sample size, accuracy is very important. Estimates in some subgroups are relatively inaccurate with big coefficients of variation. Supposing that the design effect for small proportions is close to deff = 1, in calculating coefficients of variation we can use formulas for simple random sampling.
The accuracy of the survey results depends on both the sampling error, which can be measured through variance estimation, and the non-sampling error from all other sources, such as response and other measurement errors, coding and data entry errors. It is important to emphasize that INSTAT recognizes that the sample size of a particular survey is determined by the accuracy required for the national level estimates, as well influenced by logistical issues related to the organization and size of the teams, and the workload for survey administration and data collection.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Institute of Statistics of Albania | Republic of Albania | | |
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The use of this dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Example: Institute of Statistics of Albania. Albania Returm Migration Survey (RMS) 2013, Ref. ALB_2013_RMPS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
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©INSTAT & IOM, 2014; ISBN: 978-9928-188-14-4
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Institute of Statistics of Albania | Republic of Albania | | |