Value |
Category |
1 |
Food and non-alcoholic beverages |
2 |
Alcoholic beverages; tobacco and narcotics |
3 |
Clothing and footwear |
4 |
Housing; water; electricity; gas and other fuels |
5 |
Furnishings; househould equipment and routine maintenance of the house |
6 |
Health |
7 |
Transport |
8 |
Communication |
9 |
Recreation and culture |
10 |
Education |
11 |
Restaurants and hotels |
12 |
Miscellaneous goods and services |
13 |
In kind Consumption |
14 |
Not Cpi Consumption |
50 |
Income |
51 |
Income In kind |
52 |
Savings |
53 |
Taxes |
70 |
Debts 12 months |
88 |
Other unclasified Expenses |
99 |
Transfers To Others |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.