Value | Category |
2 | |
Assistsupplies to private company | |
Because of partnership | |
Because of the quality products | |
Bigger market in other country | |
Can afford the products | |
Cheaper Labor | |
Cheaper Unit | |
Comapany No for export | |
Consumer out of this country | |
Coostumer is abroad | |
Dependent on demand | |
Donnot diversify | |
Export is the nature of business | |
For export only | |
Higher Margin | |
It depends upon the customer | |
Joint Affair in Cebu | |
Main buyer is use foreign production | |
Margins | |
More returns and faster | |
More sales and faster return | |
Natire of business | |
Nature of Business | |
Nature of business | |
Nature uf the business | |
Practicality Reason | |
Practicaliy reason | |
Product for export | |
Quality better than other country | |
Stablished for export | |
The product is only for export | |
To earn Dollars | |
To know their product | |
Wanted to be known internationaly | |
contract with foriegn firms | |
for exportinng only | |
it has a demand to the product | |
lot of demand | |
opportunity with market | |
patronize by pilipinos only. |