Value |
Category |
Available in other country |
Buyers Request |
Cannot change supplier |
Cannot obtain localy |
Changing the system for from manual to macahnic |
Consignment |
Costumer request |
Localy not available |
Mandated by PArent Firm |
Mandated by buyer |
Materials not available in the Philippines |
No industrial Support |
No local source |
No other source |
Not applicable |
Not available localy |
Not produced localy |
Only China manufacture the Materials |
Only one who's manufactured(herb) |
Rawmaterials are not available in Phill. |
Reffered by supplier |
Royalty of the compound |
Source |
Supplied by mother company |
They have Direct Supplier |
only abroad produce that |
provided by the costumer |
they are authorize to use the company brand |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.