Value |
Category |
Apprehensive in giving information, |
Busy respondent |
Come late due to unclear address from the list |
Currency used was dollar |
Don't have records for financial |
Everything was fine |
Expediture greater annual sales because business has not been good |
Expenses exceeds the earnings of the company |
Expenses is greater than income |
Get the record in financial statement and ask the people working on them |
He really want to give the exact data thats why he wants to email him |
Hesitant in answering questions |
Interaption cause by answering phone calls due to multiple task of respondent. |
Lots of complains |
Many phonecalls |
Minor Interruptions |
Most of the figures taken from financial statement |
Multinational company so they cannot give figures at all. |
NO Hassle |
No Hassle |
No Hassle at all |
No extraordinary circumstances occured |
No one Knows that we already close the appointment |
No problem occured |
Noisey telephone, Noise from fabrication |
Noisy because of chattering employees |
Not Familiar in Sales he is newly hired |
Raining |
Refuse to answer items D1a3,D2,D3,EAD8,D12,E1,K1,K2,K6, and N3 |
Refuse to give detail about financial matter |
Refuse to give her no. in World Bank |
Refuse to iclose financial information |
Refused to give some data on finanances |
Respondent Cannot acces the FS |
Respondent commented that she has an option to answer dont know |
Several phonecalls during the interview |
She ask the other information from her co-worker |
She is so tired and exhausted bec. she had orrientation |
Sick Respondent, Don't want top give contact information |
So Far, no problem occured |
So fine |
So good |
Take long she call her daughter |
The Company has more expences than income |
The Respondent was hesitant in answering sensitive questions especially with regards to finance |
The company was closed to bankruptcy, too many overhead expenses |
The raw materials are tax and duty free in customs, they have underbanded warehouse |
The respondent did not give the exact amount in performance |
The respondent in a hurry |
The respondent is incoherent in speech |
The respondent is slighly busy |
The respondent is very cooperative |
The respondent refuse to answer the exact value in pesos, she just give the percent value |
The respondent was sick and tired |
The respondents is very truthful |
The respondents is willing to answer some question through Email |
The respondents made several attempts to stop the interview |
The respondents refuse to give their financial statement. |
The respondents refused to give their financial statement except in electricity and fuel |
There are some interruption occured like customers and phone calls |
Very Noisy Sorroundings |
annual sales is less than the expenses for 2008 |
lot of phone calls |
main respondents had an emergency check up. |
no problem occured |
no problem occurred |
noisy sorounding,hard to understand english,interfered by costumer |
we came quite early, but he seems ok while answering the questions |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.