Question pretext
Now, we would like to ask you a few questions about the financial results of this establishment. It is important that this information be as accurate as possible. The individual data are treated as confidential - the identity of your establishment will not be revealed at any point. Please provide the following information from the financial statements of this establishment.
Literal question
From this establishment’s Income Statement for fiscal year [insert last complete fiscal year], please provide the following information:
- Total annual cost of labor including wages, salaries, bonuses, social security payments
Interviewer instructions
Total cost of labor, including wages, salaries and benefits is the total annual wages and all annual benefits, including food, transport, social security (i.e. pensions, medical insurance, and unemployment insurance). Raw materials and intermediate goods: (M) is the cost of all inputs in the production activity. This is usually an item directly taken from the financial statements. Finished goods and materials purchased to resell: (S) is the cost of all finished goods and materials purchased to be resold. This is usually an item directly taken from the financial statements. Electricity is the total annual cost of electric energy purchased from public or private utility companies or received from other establishments that belong to the same firm. Exclude the value of electricity generated and used at this establishment. Fuel (M) is the total annual cost of all fuels consumed for heat, power, transportation, or the generation of electricity. Do not include the estimated costs of fuels, such as sawdust or blast furnace gas, produced as a byproduct of your manufacturing activities. Include anthracite and bituminous coal, coke, natural and manufactured gas, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, and all other fuels, including purchased steam. Be sure to include fuel used to power delivery trucks, forklifts, or other motor vehicles associated with the establishment. Other costs of production not included above: (M) this should be computed as total costs of production minus the items included above.